Our Project

Close to the Child

The “Close to the Child” program started in January 2017 and was completed in December of the same year. It provided vouchers to 60 families, who were selected based on strict economic and social criteria, to purchase essentials for their underage children. At the same time, it aimed at the psychosocial empowerment of both children and their parents, through psychological support groups, creative employment, self-awareness groups, integration in the Social Tutoring Centre of the Ladies Union of Drama, job placement, lectures, meetings and free legal assistance.
The program was implemented with the exclusive donation of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation.
Vodafone – World of Difference

For the second time, Vodafone Foundation trusts the Ladies Union of Drama – HOH and selects it among hundreds of NGOs in Greece among the 10 winners of the “World of Difference” program. An executive worked for 6 months (February-July 2021) at the LUD-HOH with funding from the Vodafone Foundation as a project manager for the upgrade of the database already available to the organization. This reliable tool for the organization will contribute to the large-scale data storage that it manages, while helping to generate quantitative and qualitative statistics. At the same time, the digital database of the organization will help organize and itemize its beneficiary people, enhancing the work of the organization.
Care for the Elderly
Beneficiary families
The Ladies Union of Drama – House of Open Hospitality in cooperation with TIMA Charitable Foundation and the Ioannis S. Latsis Charitable Foundation started the implementation of the program “Care for the elderly” in September 2014 . The program involved the monthly provision of vouchers for the purchase of food and basic items to elderly people over sixty years of age.
74 families benefited from this program and it has been running for two years. It was formally completed in August 2016 but by March 2018, the Ladies Union of Drama had ensured the sustainability of the program in terms of food items distributed in the form of parcels, while the Leventis Foundation has secured funding for two Social Science staff to ensure the proper functioning of the program.
At the same time, the aim of the program was to inform the beneficiary people about issues of healthy nutrition, safety, health, as well as the development of their skills, their psychological empowerment and their socialization in order to have a better quality of life.
There is a report on the project for the year 2015. You can see the extract in which this report can be found.
The cost of the program was entirely covered by TIMA Charitable Foundation and the Ioannis S. Latsis Charitable Foundation.
Care for the Elderly III
The “Care for the Elderly III” program started on 1 April 2021 and run for one year. It is fully funded by the TIMA Charitable Foundation and implemented by the Ladies Union of Drama- H.O.H.
The project initially aims to support 75 elderly families who are reeling from the economic and humanitarian crisis of the time. Also, having already implemented for six years the “Care for the elderly” program, either in the framework of funding or in the framework of sustainability, it aims to solve the biggest problem, observed in the elderly, loneliness. The families that have joined the program have been drawn from the database available to our organization, which currently has more than 1700 family members, categorized according to their needs.
More specifically, the program involves the monthly provision of vouchers for the purchase of food and basic necessities for elderly people over sixty years of age and the organization of talks as part of the distribution on topics relating to the elderly. In addition, it includes the organization of a Creative School, where beneficiary people will be able to attend weekly classes and activities aimed at strengthening their communication, active participation and involvement in interpersonal relationships and cognitive encouragement through art.
Finally, neuropsychological assessments were conducted by a specialized psychologist as part of the project. The neuropsychological assessment in combination with the assessment for depression and anxiety helped early diagnosis of early or more established symptoms of dementia or depression and led, where necessary, to immediate referral to a medical specialist.
Read Autobiographical Writing Stories:
The elderly age sings:
Desmos for Young People
The Ladies Union of Drama – House of Open Hospitality in cooperation with the Non-Governmental Association DESMOS implemented the program “Desmos for Youth”. In February 2021, the Program created 14 new jobs for unemployed people up to 30 years old. The Ladies Union of Drama was one of the selected organizations for the second time, and from February 2021 to January 2022 employed one full-time executive. The staff member in the capacity of a social worker supported the organization by welcoming new beneficiary people, recording the needs arising from the pandemic and informing unemployed beneficiary people about available jobs.
YOUTH Action 1

In 2005, the YOUTH Action 1 program was implemented under the Youth for Europe program, under the code 1.1.R2/2005/46.
It started on 28.8.2005 and ended on 4.9.2005. The participating youth groups from Greece, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Italy exchanged views and information on the lifestyle, culture, customs and traditions of their countries. At the same time, a number of intercultural learning activities were carried out, giving the children the opportunity to discover the values that unite them and to seek common European ties.
The program was co-funded by the General Secretariat for Youth and the European Union.
TOPSA Program

The Ladies Union of Drama – House of Open Hospitality for the year 2014 participated in the Development Partnership A.S.K.E.D. in the framework of the action: “Initiative for the social economy and employment” under IPA code 376926. In the framework of the project, it successfully implemented a workshop-thematic workshop on the topic: “Promoting Integrated Business Ideas”.
Also in the same period, it participated in the Development Partnership “Development Alliance in Drama” under IPA code 376922. In the framework of the action, it implemented a three-day thematic workshop on the topic: “Women in modern business”.
The programs were implemented with the co-financing of Greece and the European Union.
Feeding Program by the Union of Greek Shipowners

The Union of Greek Shipowners, as part of its social offer and solidarity program for the years 2013 and 2014, sent us every month 35 kilos of packaged food for each family for 149 low-income families with underage children.