Our Project
Employment & Vocational
Women’s Employment
From 2006 to 2010, the “Women – Employment” program was successfully implemented under the Business Plan of the Sector and Shopping Centre Area of Drama – Municipality of Drama “Integrated Urban Development Intervention – EKT” P.E.P.A.M.Th. 2000-2006 with a total budget of 271.295,41 euros. The action was co-financed by 80% by the European Social Fund and 20% by National funds.
It was addressed to :
- Abused women
- Unmarried mothers
- Women facing problems of social and labour integration
- Women who wanted information about employment, guidance, access to the labour market
- Information
- Raising awareness and sensitization,
- Networking to combat discriminations
- Labour market integration and reintegration
The program continues on a voluntary basis to this day.
Vocational Guidance
At regular intervals, mainly on the days of the distributions, the beneficiary people have the opportunity to be informed about Voucher programs for unemployed, new jobs of the OAED and subsidized programs through the Vocational Guidance. In addition, vocational guidance tests are carried out in cooperation with certified Vocational Training Centers.