Τελευταία Νέα

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Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Ladies’ Union of Drama – H.O.H. for the sudden death of Kostas Apostolidis, founder of the RAYCAP company and a major benefactor of the Ladies’ Union of Drama – H.O.H.

With the announcement of the sudden death of the founder of the RAYCAP company and major benefactor of the Ladies’ Union of Drama – H.O.H. Kostas Apostolidis, the Board of Directors held an extraordinary meeting at its offices to take the following decisions:

1. To express their heartfelt condolences to the family of the deceased

2. The entire Board of Directors to be present at the exit sequence.

3. To declare three days of mourning.

4. At the planned Closing Ceremony of the “Mobile School Travels” project that will take place at the Municipal Conservatory on Wednesday 28/2, a 1-minute silence to be observed in memory of the deceased.

5. To publish this resolution in the local press, electronic and printed.


Παρόμοια Άρθρα


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