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The charity football match achieved its goal

A part of the proceeds were donated to the Ladies’ Union of Drama-H.O.H.

The charity football match organized by the International Police Association (I.P.A.) Local Administration of Drama on the eve of Christmas achieved its goal.

Many people responded to the call and not only supported the lottery but also gave their dynamic presence in the match that was held at the stadium of Doxas Drama between the teams of the I.P.A. Drama and Doxas Old Boys. 

The purpose of the event, which is part of the social action of the organizers, was to support needy families in the prefecture of Drama and to protect victims of domestic violence. Specifically, the organizers report: “As Greek Police Officers, members of the International Union of Police Officers, we demonstrate in practice once again, our love and our willingness for selfless contribution to society and our fellow human beings who are tested every day”. Part of the amount collected was handed over on Wednesday 8 January 2025 to President Aliki Tsiamoura by the Vice President of the Hellenic Department of the ICE, Mr. Minas Skarlios, the President of the Drama Department of the ICE, Mr. Kaltsa Athanasios, the representative of the Domestic Violence Office of the ICE. Drama, Lieutenant B’, Mr. Rizzo Achilleas, the head of the Domestic Violence Bureau of the D.A. Drama, Lieutenant A’, Mrs. Evkarpidou Evmorfili and members of the Board of the Local Administration of Drama (I.P.A.). 

The Ladies’ Union has created a strong network of cooperation with the Domestic Violence Department of the Police Directorate of Drama, which was established a few months ago, helping every referral of an incident.


Παρόμοια Άρθρα


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