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The educational trip of the Ladies’ Union of Drama – H.O.H. to Athens was successfully completed

The two-day trip to Athens was successfully completed as part of the new project “TIME TO LEARN” with the implementing body the Ladies’ Union of Drama – H.O.H. and partner CNPC “Alysos Alert”.

The trip took place on Friday, April 5, 2024 and included a visit to the Ombudsman and the National Commission for Human Rights. The Ombudsman’s assistant Kalliopi Lykovardi and special scientist Christina Angeli informed the Ombudsman of the mission. Mrs. Lykovardi referred to the main responsibilities of the body, specifically that: “it stands next to the citizen tested by the crisis, investigates the problems caused by legislative or other interventions of the administration and undertakes targeted initiatives, utilizing the expertise it has developed and the expanded responsibilities that supplies. The Ombudsman functions as a guardian of rights in the public and private sector, with a particular emphasis on monitoring and promoting the implementation of the principle of equal treatment, the rights of the child and vulnerable groups”. At the end of her visit, President Aliki Tsiamoura informed the two executives that upon completion of the “TIME TO LEARN” program, a report on the possible violation of human rights of Roma women will be compiled, which will be submitted to the Ombudsman for further action.

This was followed by a visit to the National Commission for Human Rights (NCHR) with five of its officials welcoming the mission. The scientific associate and coordinator Eva Tzavala informed that the basic idea that inspired the creation of the NCHR is the constant monitoring of developments related to the status of human rights in Greece and abroad, informing the public about the relative risks of violation that they include and above all the provision of advice for the formulation of a correct central policy on issues related to human rights. The purpose of the NCHR is to continuously highlight to all state institutions the need to effectively secure the human rights of all those living in Greek territory. The mission was accompanied by the president of Alysos Alert, Christina Chalilopoulou, who is the partner of the project.

The project started in March 2024 and has a duration of 12 months. It concerns the protection and promotion of the rights and values of the European Union/ BUILD. It aims to train 30 Roma women who live in the areas of Philippou and Ampelokipi of Drama, in human rights, to deal with anti-Gypsyism, to strengthen the implementing body, to exchange know-how and good practices with bodies in Greece and abroad. The implementing body will carry out weekly interventions in the two camps with the aim of informing the women, will draw up a report of possible human rights irregularities and deliver it to the Ombudsman. The partner will transfer to the implementing body the experience and the know-how it has in matters of preventing and combating domestic violence against Roma women.

The project “TIME TO LEARN” is implemented within the framework of the BUILD program, with the implementing body of the Ladies’ Union of Drama – H.O.H and, as a partner, the organization “Alysos Alert”. The “Building a robust and democratic civic space” (BUILD) program aims to protect, promote, and widely recognize the fundamental rights and values of the EU, through the support of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Greece and Cyprus and through the strengthening of their capacities and sustainability. BUILD is co-financed by the European Union, through the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) program, the Bodosaki Foundation and the Cyprus NGO Support Center with a total grant amount of €2.9 million. The coordinator of BUILD is the Bodosaki Foundation (Greece) in partnership with the Cyprus NGO Support Center.

Disclaimer statement The opinions expressed are solely those of the editors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the European Union, the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) or the Bodosaki’s Foundation. The European Union and the EACEA cannot be held responsible for the opinions expressed.


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