Preparatory interventions have begun in the Roma Filippou & Ampelokipi camps as part of the “TIME TO LEARN” program.
One of the goals of the project is to reach 30 young Roma women, in order to make them aware of their human rights and obligations. Last Monday and Tuesday, April 15 and 16, 2024, the entire project team was in the two camps and, in the presence of the Roma mediator, gave a first briefing on the project and its goals. The meetings were also attended by the president of CNPC “ALYSOS ALERT” Christina Chalilopoulou, who is the partner of the project, and who traveled from Athens especially for this purpose. Currently the team is working on the production of a simple and understandable educational tool.
The “TIME TO LEARN” project started in March 2024 and has duration of 12 months. It concerns the protection and promotion of the rights and values of the European Union/ BUILD. It aims to train 30 Roma women who live in the areas of Philippou and Ampelokipi of Drama, in human rights, to deal with anti-Gypsyism, to strengthen the implementing body, to exchange know-how and good practices with bodies in Greece and abroad. The implementing body will carry out weekly interventions in the two camps with the aim of informing the women, will draw up a report of possible human rights irregularities and deliver it to the Ombudsman. The partner will transfer to the implementing body the experience and the know-how it has in matters of preventing and combating domestic violence against Roma women.
The project “TIME TO LEARN” is implemented within the framework of the BUILD program, with the implementing body of the Ladies’ Union of Drama – H.O.H and, as a partner, the organization “Alysos Alert”. The “Building a robust and democratic civic space” (BUILD) program aims to protect, promote, and widely recognize the fundamental rights and values of the EU, through the support of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Greece and Cyprus and through the strengthening of their capacities and sustainability. BUILD is co-financed by the European Union, through the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) program, the Bodosaki Foundation and the Cyprus NGO Support Center with a total grant amount of €2.9 million. The coordinator of BUILD is the Bodosaki Foundation (Greece) in partnership with the Cyprus NGO Support Center.
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